Facilitation and Education
Facilitation CV
Jake has committed many years to facilitating drama within different communities and contexts, ranging from schools to community groups. With a passion for sharing his drama and theatre knowledge, Jake studied a BA Hons in Drama and Applied Theatre. Here, he had the opportunity to practice new skills in applied theatre with partners such as Seven Stories and Linhope Pupil Referral Unit. At Seven Stories, he was a part of a team that devised performances based on children's books showcased during February half term. At Linhope Pupil Referral Unit, he had the opportunity to work with children and experience the complications of classroom punishments in secondary education.
Prior to his academic studies, Jake worked with schools and organisations in Montego Bay, Jamaica, using theatre as a tool for education and skill-based training.
If you would like to know more about workshops and projects that can be offered, please send Jake an email.
Email: jakedavisonjarratt@gmail.com
Tel: 07525934784
Space Six, Floor Six, 39 Pilgrim St, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6QE